Friday, November 18, 2011


Ya hi Thanksgiving! I can't believe I haven't blogged in so long. To say my life has been a bit crazy is an understatement.  First things first ,I finally moved to Denver!!!!! Cody applied for a job on a Monday got hired by Thursday and within 2 weekends boom here we are!  I have wanted to move to Denver for seriously as long as I can remember.... here is a pattern I made in college titled what else "Denver Dreamin."

A big chunk of my time has been to devoted to my new love Moxley.  The BF and I have been talking about getting a dog for a long time but it was always a huge debate when we wanted one. We didn't want to get one and have it end up alone all the time.  Well Cody came across these pictures of these adorable puppies for adoption and for some reason Cody had to go see them. Of course I agreed, I'm a girl I'm not going to turn down seeing puppies! And then I found him! The puppy we had come to see was being adopted by a family and this other little white yetti creature was running around by himself. When I held him I knew I had to have this dog. He also really needed a bath.

 I also have been working on a lot of random side projects. Such as a lot of stuff trying to get my mom's etsy account going pictures, logo, the works! I also finally finished log book 2.0 which will get its very own post dedicated to it. 
Gosh I have to much random ish to talk about! I really want to write a full on critique about how terrible Kristen Stewart is in the twlight movies or about this amazing pie I baked,  but I'll spare you for now... until the Log Book Post... tootles

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