Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 4,5, and 6!

Ok so I am being lame and combing day 4,5,6 for multiple reasons. So here are my excuses...
1) I try to avoid my computer on the weekends... we spend to much together during the week.
2) I am finally moving out of my parents basement !!! As sad as I am to not have free rent and some good down home cookin I'm super pumped to have my own place again. One misses such freedoms of being able to leave dirty laundry around in peace.
So yes I am being a slight lazy ass and combing all 3 days into one crude little drawing. All this week will probably be this way seeing I forgot how much crap I have collected over the last year that I don't really need. :) Plus I have to do some serious decorating YEA!!!!

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