Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Long Lost Blog

It has been a long time since  I've blogged. To say I've been busy is an understatement. That is until now. I have narrowed my jobs from two to one. I couldn't have asked for a better job at 23. I love my job! I design T-Shirts which has been a dream of mine since I got into this industry 5 years ago.  For a young designer wanting to be a t-shirt designer is almost cliche, but its something that I've always wanted to do.  Designing apparel brings a whole new life to design. Its not just something you hold and look at it but something that you wear, something you "live your life in" as quoted on The Devil wears Prada. Knowing that my work is being worn is a super exciting feeling.
So out with the old and in with the new and with the new comes better blogging from me. Now that I will have some free time I can try and actually make my blog better. So I have some things lined up some before and after projects, some cooking projects and some random other things that I feel like I need to share. 

So begins Chapter 2 of my Adult life. Chapter 1 is done. I had a great learning experience and am thankful for the opportunity.  So long Scuba Steve... so long


  1. Glad your back. Finally. I want to see shirt designs!!! For real!


  2. I'm working on some new ones :) Hopefully I'll get them up before next week :)
