Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Year 2010

OH my gosh! Where has this year gone!!!! With all the craziness that took place I decided to sit back eat a Chocolate Santa and recap on my year :)
It started off as usual a new semester... and my final Semester!!! Yea 2010 was the year I finished College. Only something I've been thinking about since as long as I can remember. I graduated and was thrown on my ass in to the "real world." After all that stressing and summer school it only took me about 2 months to ask myself  "Why the eff was I in such a hurry!?!" I got my first real job on June 10, working at SSI as a graphic designer.

With the new job came a new car. My 2001 yellow beetle was traded in and I must say it was sad seeing the little guy go... some great memories in that car. But as they say in with the new out with the old.
I also got a sister in law this year. My brother Orry, got married on October 30th :) In 2011 I'm going to be getting a nephew.
Sadly this December my Uncle Phil passed away. He died of cancer and it was quite the blow to our family. He was loved and he was awesome!  This is him. And yes I was a ginger baby :)

2010, although went by super fast was overall a great year. I can't wait for 2011 hope everybody has  a Merry Christmas and a great new year :) 

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