I finally graduated from CSU!!!!!! After 3 long hours of listening to names being called I finally got to move my tassel and throw my hat... accidently striking the girl in front of me! So after thinking a lot about it I decided there was a lot of things I learned in college... a lot of important lessons for life and narrowed it down to a few things
1) Shots of Jager= puke on your own shoes
2) Don't let people tell you what to do!
3) Breakups are good for weight loss
4) Don't always judge a book by its cover but sometimes it's a good idea
5) Say Please and Thank you
6) Don't be rude to your servers
7)Disney movies really help teach you life lessons
8) Some times things turn out way better then what you had in mind
10) No matter how mature you are drawing from a live nude model is always uncomfortable
11) Wearing flip flops to parties is never smart
12) Don't put bra's in the dryer
13) Your mom was always right
14) Parallel Parking
15) To laugh at your mistakes because... well there are quite a few of those in college
16) Dream big
Congrats to the class of 2010! Good look on the job hunt!