Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Bears and Acorns oh my!

Here is a new little pattern I'm working on.

Also check out my new website! www.bradydesignco.com


Monday, January 6, 2014

Busy Busy Busy....

My little man has arrived and is 10 weeks old already. Marek Thomas was born on October 29th at 9:38pm. WIth that being said I still have managed to find some time for some new projects. This year is going to be filled with all kinds of new work and I'm super excited!

Stay tuned....

In the meantime here is a new pattern I'm working on.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Marek's Little Man Nursery

I finally got around to taking pictures of Marek's little man nursery. I really wanted to avoid making it look to much like a nursery but rather a room that he could grow into. I wish I could take more credit for putting the room together but Cody (baby daddy/husband) released his inner designer that I didn't know he had. He was adamant about the room color and was very opinionated on all the furniture choices. All in all in came together very well. Moxley even snuck in a picture. Now we just wait for him to get here....

Monday, October 14, 2013


In my spare time I make patterns. Thats what I do for "down" time. I literally have tons of patterns that just sit in a folder... waiting to be on something. So I decided to upload some of them to the wonderful Spoonflower. Enjoy! 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Baby Shower Madness

I can't believe it's September already. We have had a busy summer of moving, hail storms and baby doctor appointments.  Here is a quick list of updates:

1) We moved

2) Baby M is due November 3 which is approaching quickly.

3) Getting a nursery together is way more difficult then I ever thought.

4) I really want a giant pumpkin spice latte ( but will refrain since caffeine and pregnancies  don't really go together).

5) I have a ton of new work to share with everybody!

6) Last it is almost baby shower time. My mom and my mother in law are both throwing me showers and I refused to let them buy those cheesy invites, so I made some.

 Happy Almost Fall!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Some like it hott!!!

Who doesn't love siracha? It's spicy, delicious and really adds an extra punch to mac n cheese. Here is a sneak preview at my latest addition to my condiment series titled "I go good on everything." It still needs some minor tweaks but is almost done.

 These should be up in my shop very very shortly but if you just can't wait email me at amandaellenlesh@gmail.com and I'll put you down for the first batch of this digital print. Tea towel to come in August (we're moving so sorry for the delay). Enjoy!

These will also be added to my shop as digital prints as well as tea towels. Perfect for any condiment lover. 


Friday, June 14, 2013

New Item added to shop

Ketchup and Mustard set is finally up on Etsy.  I also have some new pictures of the tea towels that I am adding. Siracha is on it's way... stay tuned!

Happy Friday